This year, we underwent our usual audit in an unusual way

There is one tradition at Lexika that we have maintained for years: every early spring, we voluntarily undergo an audit in accordance with ISO 9001 and ISO 17100. This proves to both our clients and vendors that we offer top-quality services and continue to make headway and improvements. However, 2020 played out a little differently.
This year’s audit was scheduled for 27 March 2020. But two weeks before the scheduled audit date, the situation brought on by the coronavirus forced most of us to switch to home offices. Understandably, we discussed whether it wouldn’t be more appropriate to postpone the audit.
In the end, we agreed that traditions should be upheld, and so the decision was clear: the audit would take place on the prescheduled date. Then, we faced the question of how to accomplish the audit — which has always taken place in person — with everyone working from home.
Online audit
Thankfully, the nature of our work allowed us to undergo the audit online. The combination of our sufficient technical equipment, which is integral to our work, along with our previous work-from-home experience, meant that we already had our online meetings down to a science. Therefore, on the big day, the audit went as smoothly as ever.
This year’s audit is successfully behind us, and it was undoubtedly an interesting experience. We continue to be amazed at the creative solutions companies come up with in crisis situations, and how promptly they adapt to new circumstances.
I would like to thank the TÜV SÜD certification company auditor for allowing us to undergo the audit online. At the same time, I offer my thanks to the entire LEXIKA team that passed this audit with flying colours despite the current unusual circumstances.

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